Impact Homeless and Recovery House

One of the defining ministries of Impact Church of Christ has always been its outreach to the homeless and marginalized. Some of our dearest members and most memorable relationships have come from that population over the years.

In addition to the food and clothes provided by the Impact Distribution Center, Impact’s main building is open Monday through Thursday to provide a hot meal, shower and laundry facilities, a bible study, and relief from the outdoors for those who need it.  The goal is that those who come to Impact seeking physical nourishment will be invited into a relationship with Jesus, the One who can truly meet all their needs.


How it started and what it means.


In February of 2010 the Impact Houston Church of Christ, feeling the urgent call to do more to help the homeless and addicted that it has been serving since its inception, began a residential recovery program. The Impact Recovery House was begun in a small two bedroom house across the street from our main campus, and equipped to accommodate up to ten men.

David Beegle, a recovering alcoholic with 22 years in recovery who also directs our Distribution Center, and Doug Williams, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, lead the program, which includes Bible studies, 12-step meetings, working on campus, and group counseling.

Our first six month session saw one complete the program. He is still in recovery today. Since that first group of men, we have learned much about the process of offering desperate men the opportunity to recover. There have been heartbreaking failures and exhilarating successes. Several have been baptized. Some have remained faithful.

 We have also remodeled one-half of an on-campus duplex to accommodate four more men. This facility is used for those approaching the last two months of the program, when they are in search of permanent housing and employment. Finding employment continues to be a challenge, since many of these men have felonies on their record.

Addiction has been described as Satan’s ‘perfect weapon’ and it is a weapon that truly destroys lives. We believe the perfect answer to this weapon, however, is Jesus Christ. He is at the center of our efforts and strategy to help these men defeat addiction, and we have seen that those who have truly embraced Jesus have a much greater chance of recovery.


Pray for these men, and pray that Impact will have the resources it needs to continue to minister to them. Pray also for the resources and facilities to add a recovery program for women. We must be making Jesus available for those seeking recovery from addiction.